Solutions Without Treat Ulcer Disease

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Most people are familiar with ulcer disease. So that sometimes can also be anticipated if attacked by the symptoms of this disease. In medical terms, is called gastritis ulcer disease or gastric inflammation. For a more mild symptoms often referred to as dyspepsia.

Affected areas Stomach

Gastritis occurs in the stomach organ. This organ is located on the left chest cavity with downward sloping position, protrudes to the right near gut. Sometimes people affected by this illness will appoint or hold the left side of the abdomen or solar plexus, just below the sternum.

In gastric location is the process of food digestion occurs. To further forwarded to the intestine below. In the digestive process was issued some stomach acid to help the process of food destruction.

Excessive Stomach Acid

The occurrence of gastritis or inflammation of the stomach, at first because of excessive stomach acid. The original acid helps the stomach instead of the stomach hurt. Stomach acid will damage the stomach wall itself, because the nature of the corrosive acid (erode). The factors that trigger the production of excess stomach acid, such as some chemicals, such as alcohol, drugs generally retaining pain, sour vinegar. Also, some foods and beverages that are acidic, and food with acidic ingredients, and so forth. Spicy foods and spices that stimulate, such as ginger, pepper, will also trigger the production of stomach acid.

Psychic or psychological factors one can also increase the production of stomach acid. In addition ulcer disease can also be caused by certain bacteria insfeksi, such as Helicobacter pylori which is a normal bacteria in the stomach, which in certain conditions can become abnormal. Which finally stimulates gastric acid. Gastritis can also be caused by allergies to certain foods, such as fish, chocolate and others.

Complaints and Symptoms

At first, someone who is stricken with this disease just ignore it, that is burning and bloating in the gut. It continues along with nausea and vomiting. At this time, people realized the pain. This situation continues to decrease appetite. If this is allowed to continue, will result in more severe and eventually stomach acid will make the wounds (ulcers) which is known as an ulcer. Also be accompanied by vomiting blood. State of acute gastritis (suddenly) can also occur in children who swallowed the chemicals corrosive, such as strong acids and bases. In general, these substances present in household cleaning fluids or pesticides. Damage caused by these substances not only in the stomach, but also on the lips, oral cavity and throat.

How The solution?

If ulcer disease has been recognized by the sufferer, is actually very easy to handle. That is, not allowed to go on to become an ulcer. The principle of treatment is a diet or eating arrangements. Do not let your stomach empty long. This situation may result in empty stomach acids that are produced do not have the material to digest crushed tau, and in the end wall of the stomach itself became the target.

Do not eat too much spicy food or water and acid. Avoid fatty foods, because fat is hard to digest by the stomach. In addition, the texture of food should be soft (soft).

Frequently drink water, because it can reduce the acid nature of the food or drink. Reduce the drink, coffee or soft drinks. Servings of food should not be too much, but little with the frequency often.

If you must take your medicine retaining pain (analgesic), it should be drunk after dinner and not empty.

When discipline in organizing this food, ulcer disease can be improved without treatment. If the stomach is still twisted and sick continuously, untul drugs neutralize stomach acid helps relieve the suffering. For example, antacid drugs. If this drug can not be resolved, then you should consult a doctor. Sometimes a sedative is needed to treat it.

Watchful For Young Pregnant Women.

When a young pregnant woman who previously had a history of ulcer disease, relapse is very risky, especially when cravings.

When cravings, sometimes a young pregnant woman not appetite, nausea and vomiting (emesis gravidarium) due to the influence of chorionic gonadotropin hormone. Because the stomach is often empty, then the pain can not be avoided. Vice versa, diseases previously suffered ulcer can exacerbate the cravings of pregnant women, namely nausea, excessive vomiting (hyperemesis gravidarum). Therefore, first avoid foods that stimulate the stomach. In addition, while the blood booster tablets should not be consumed first, considering this drug also irritate the stomach.


Very easy to avoid ulcer disease. That is not eating and drinking acidic, spicy or excessively, makanseimbang pattern (not excessive fat), and regular. Avoid excessive drinking of coffee, the, soft drinks. Safer drinking water.

However, an ulcer disease could be due to the influence of race, descent, and his eating habits. Maybe someone with a particular race was used to stimulate food, but no gastric complaints, such as Minang tribe.

For those already suffering from severe ulcer disease, if you must eat foods that are managed in a missal (together) in a dormitory, for example, agencies should consider the requirements of food, as should be easily digestible, portion of food a little but often, does not stimulate the stomach (eg, spicy, acid, hard texture), may issue and gastric juices can neutralize excess stomach acid.