Sugar Trigger Damage Cells And Aging

Monday, August 31, 2009

Foods eaten daily can affect the aging process. The food we eat can provide fuel for the body and maintain the body system works complex. Food can directly affect physical and mental condition, the number of wrinkles on the face, muscles and overall condition of the body, the condition of the organs in the body, the brain's ability and memory, and mental and emotional conditions. The nutrients needed by the body and brain to slow down aging. The body needs the supply of high quality protein and good fats. Mengndung plenty of food and sugar kerbohidrat like rice, pasta, and potatoes has the potential to cause inflammation.

Lack of high-quality protein intake can cause cell damage, and the body was not able to fix it. Damage is unnecessary and can be repaired. Consumption of sugar and excessive carbohydrates cause blood sugar content increases resulting in a number of chemical reactions that cause inflammation. Initially blood sugar will react with minerals in the body, such as iron and copper to produce free radicals which then attack the membranes of fat cells. As a result, the flow arising inflammatory chemicals that cause further damage and accelerated aging.

Inflammation with aging. Inflammation that causes wrinkles, forgetfulness, irritability and stress and declining health. Raised blood sugar will produce free radicals that can oxidize fat. Oxidized fats are not good for the body. Cholesterol can also be oxidized. Cholesterol is divided into 2 LDL and HDL. Most people call the bad cholesterol LDL and HDL cholesterol as well. LDL cholesterol can be bad when oxidized. High blood sugar will cause oxidized LDL. If oxidized, LDL would cause plaque deposits on artery walls. This pile can cause blockage of blood vessels that occurs coronary heart disease. In this case, high blood sugar levels can trigger constriction of blood vessels and coronary heart disease.

The flood of sugar in the blood can cause collagen in the skin so cross, so that lead to wrinkles, sagging skin, and color fading. In addition, serotonin (brain chemical that causes feelings of love) would decrease drastically. Coffee can increase insulin levels and stimulate the production of the hormone cortisol, the stress hormone, which causes abdominal fat and menimbunan also cause toxic effects (toxicity) in brain cells.

Sugar molecules can also attach themselves to the collagen fibers. This can cause a series of spontaneous chemical reaction. This reaction will lead to the formation and accumulation of cross bonds between collagen molecules. Crisscross happened to collagen causes the loss of skin elasticity. In normal, healthy collagen strands to each other stretched out on top of each other so that the skin will stay elastic and no wrinkles. The people who have bersaling cross kolagennya from years of eating carbohydrates and sugar excess skin is not elastic as before. Fine lines will stay because that's where the sugar molecules attached to collagen, which causes collagen fibers to become stiff. Bond between the sugar and collagen aakan produce large amounts of free radicals that would lead to the emergence of a more inflammatory and more.

The body needs carbohydrates to function normally. Good food is consumed that contains sugar / low carbohydrate in the form of fruits and vegetables. These foods contain vitamins, minerals and antioxidants that can slow the signs of aging and provide essential energy. These foods also contain water that can help prevent dehydration of skin and body. Canned products should be avoided because the process of heating and processing destroys many nutrients contained in food. Also, canned foods also contain salt and sugar which, if excessive, is not needed by the body. Among the foods that can be enjoyed are almonds, avocados, apples, asparagus, chicken, spinach, blueberries, broccoli, green beans, crab, wine, ginger, mushrooms, tomatoes, beans, soybeans, cauliflower, cucumbers, kiwi, cerry, oranges, cabbage, cod, turnips, lobster, olive oil, egg whites, salmon, green vegetables, lettuce, low-fat milk, tofu, tea, eggplant, shrimp, yogurt and olive.


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