Types of Narcotics

Monday, August 31, 2009

there are several types of narcotics that I will discuss here are very dangerous to human health if the consumer does not fit the rules, including:


Opioids or opiates derived from opium, the juice of the poppy flower, Papaver somniverum, which contains about 2 opium alkaloids, including morphine. Opioid name is also used to opiates, which is a preparation or derivative of opium and synthetic narcotics resembling opiates work but not obtained from opium. Another natural opiates or opiates are synthesized from natural opiates are heroin (diacethylmorphine), codeine (3-methoxymorphine), and hydromorphone (dilaudid).

Side effects caused

Experiencing a slowdown and turmoil at the time of speaking, the damage night vision, damage to the liver and kidneys, increasing their risk of HIV and hepatitis viruses and other infectious diseases through syringe and a decrease in sex desire, confusion of sexual identity, death due to overdose .

Symptoms Intoksikasi Opioid

Konstraksi pupils (or dilated pupils due to heavy anoksia due to overdose) and one (or more) following signs, developing during, or immediately after the use of opioids, namely drowsiness or coma, slurred speaking, attention disorders or memory. Maladaptif behavioral or psychological changes that are clinically meaningful for example: initial euphoria followed by apathy, Dysphoria, agitation or psychomotor retardation, disturbance pertimbangaan, or disruption of social function or work developed during, or immediately after the use of opioids.

Withdrawal symptoms

Withdrawal symptoms begin within six to eight hours after the last dose. Usually after a period of one to two weeks of continuous use or provision of narcotic antagonist. Break syndrome drug peak intensity during the second or third day and disappear for 7 to 10 days later. But some symptoms may persist for six months or longer.

Withdrawal symptoms of Opioid Dependence

Severe muscle cramps and bone pain, severe diarrhea, abdominal cramps, rinorea lakrimasipiloereksi, yawning, fever, dilated pupils, hypertension, tachycardia disregulasi temperature, including pipotermia and hyperthermia.
Someone with opioid dependence are rarely die of broken opioids, unless that person has a basic physical illness severe, such as heart disease.
Residual symptoms such as insomnia, bradikardia, disregulasi temperature, and addicted to opiates may persist for a month after the end of matter. At any time during abstinensi syndrome, a single injection of morphine or heroin eliminate all symptoms. Symptoms of opioids is the broadcaster off the anxiety, irritability, depression, tremors, weakness, nausea, and vomiting.

Opioid derivatives (Opiad) is often misused are:

Papaver somniferum plant sap obtained by tapping (scratch) to ripe fruit. Sap comes out white and named "Lates". Sap is left to dry on the surface of the fruit so that the dark brown color and will be processed after a dough that resembles the soft asphalt. This is called raw opium or opium rough. Crude opium contains a variety of active substances that are often misused. Opium ripe dark brown color or dark brown. Are traded in packaging tin box with a variety of seal, such as snakes, skulls, eagle, globe, cap 999, cap dog, etc.. Use inhaled way.


Morphine is processed from the opium / opiate raw. Main merupaakan alkaloida morphine from opium (C17H19NO3). Bitter taste of morphine, the shape of white flour or in the form of colored liquid. Usage by inhaled and injected.


Heroin has a power of two times stronger than morphine and opiates are the types most often misused people in Indonesia at the end - the end of this. Heroin, which is pharmacologically similar to morphine causes people to become drowsy and mood changes are uncertain. Although the manufacture, sale and possession of heroin is illegal, but attempted heroin remains available to patients with terminal cancer because of analgesic effects and its euforik good.


Codein including salt / derivative of opium / opiate. Codein effects are weaker than heroin, and its potential to cause low ketergantungaan. Usually sold in pill form or liquid clear. How to use swallowed and injected.


Another name of Demerol is pethidina. Its use can be swallowed or by injection. Demerol sold in pill form and colorless liquid.


Methadone is currently used in the treatment of opioid dependence. Opioid antagonists have been made to treat opioid overdose and opioid dependence. A large number of synthetic narcotics (opioids) has been made, including meperidine (Demerol), methadone (Dolphine), pentazocine (Talwin), and propocyphene (Darvon).
Methadone is currently used in the treatment of opioid dependence. Opioid antagonists have been made to treat opioid overdose and opioid dependence. Class drug is nalaxone (Narcan), naltrxone (Trexan), nalorphine, levalorphane, and apomorphine. A number of compounds with mixed agonist activity and antagonist has been synthesized, and these compounds are pentazocine, butorphanol (Stadol), and buprenorphine (Buprenex). Several studies have found that buprenorphine is an effective treatment for opioid dependence. Popoler name of opioids: putauw, etep, PT, white.


Cocaine is addictive substance that is often misused and is a very dangerous substance. Cocaine is an alkaloid obtained from plants Erythroxylon coca shrub, which comes from South America, where the leaves of the plant this shrub usually-chewable chewed by local residents to get a stimulant effect.
Currently Cocaine is still used as a local anesthetic, especially for p, nose and throat, as well as helping vasokonstriksifnya effects. Cocaine is classified as a narcotic, along with morphine and heroin as addictive effects and the effects of a loss has been recognized.
Other names for Cocaine: Snow, coke, girl, lady, and crack (cocaine in its purest form and free base to obtain a stronger effect).

Side Egek generated

Cocaine is used as a characteristic causing elasi, euphoria, increased self-esteem and feelings improvements in mental and physical tasks. Low doses of cocaine can be accompanied by improved performance on several cognitive tasks.

Intoksikasi Cocaine Symptoms

On the use of high doses of cocaine intoxication symptoms can occur, such as irritability agitation interruption in consideration of impulsive sexual behavior and the possibility of dangerous aggression increased psychomotor activity Midriasis Tachycardia Hypertension.

Symptoms of Substance Disconnect

After stopping use of cocaine or after acute intoxication occurred PPD intoxication (crashes) are marked with Dysphoria, anhedonia, anxiety, irritability, fatigue, hipersomnolensi, sometimes agitation.
On the use of light to moderate cocaine, Cocaine withdrawal symptoms disappear within 18 hours. In heavy usage, Cocaine withdrawal symptoms can last up to one week, and reached its peak in two to four days.
Cocaine withdrawal symptoms can also be accompanied by a tendency to commit suicide. People who have decided to treat cocaine itself often symptoms with alcohol, sedatives, hypnotic, or antiensietas drugs like diazepam (Valium).


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